What Makes AMPclimb Better

Why choose AMPclimb?
🧗 Tagging System

Our picture tagging system offers way more flexibility for your routesetting team. At the same time, we can provide a client facing home page on Climbary - The Climbing Diary which your climbers and staff can track their performance on.

🧗 Indoor Gym Focused

Similar apps aim to be too big for their own good. A narrowed focus helps us maintain simplicity. We want our users to limit their time on this tool while maximizing their time on the wall!

🧗 Digital Footprint

Enhance oversight of your gym by bringing it to the cloud. Engage with your community and analyze your climber's usage and sentiments of routes.

Stop staying reliant on social media to connect with your people! AMPclimb is beyond social apps, its social connection.

🧗 Amplified Aesthetic

Effortless integration into your climber's routine while looking better at the same time! AMPclimb lets you print your own route tags to place on your walls. We can even provide the placards to put them on!

Frequently Asked Questions
❓ Why Is The Routesetting Software Free?

Climbing is an artform designed by mother-nature and architected by routesetters. Our ultimate mission is to help standardize the sport of rock climbing to ensure growth of the activity from the casual to competitive level. To do that, we made our routesetting software free for all gyms to have access to a powerful tool that can help them best cater to their community. (And this is only the start!)

❓ How Long Does It Take To Integrate In My Gym?

My local gym has over 7000sq/ft. Here is a breakdown of the initial set up time:

Wall section creation: <5 minutes

Wall photos: <7 minutes 

Route tags: 15-30 seconds per route

After initial set up of your gym environment, you only need to keep up with one wall at a time per reset which is much easier.

❓ Do I need to use an app?

The simple answer is no, you do not need a downloaded app for clients to service your gym with the free route setting software. You can simply go on our website and start using the web-based platform to manage your walls/routes.

If you want to go a step further, you can have your gym staff download the mobile app and that will make your gym setup and maintenance much easier/faster.

If you ever decide to let your climbers know about the mobile app, they can download it and reap the benefits at their own leisure. At the same time, your route setters will benefit from the metadata your gym collects on the climber's usage of the walls.

❓ How Does It Work? (Gym Staff)

The easy picture tagging system we created allows your gym staff to bring your gym environment to the cloud. The wall gallery displays tags to indicate the start of every route visible in the picture. This is how the home page for your gym is created on the Climbary mobile app.

❓ How Does It Work? (Climbers)

Climbers use the Climbary app to keep track of their progress on every route at any gym. Our automated feedback collection system provides climbers and gym staff a beautiful way to visualize useful data.

Blog Posts

Must-Sees at the CWA Tradeshow

The Climbing Wall Association (CWA) Tradeshow is your annual opportunity to roam the nooks and crannies of the indoor climbing industry to find the next innovation that can level up your climbing gym. Whether you're the visionary owner, a dedicated manager, or a creative route setter, CWA offers something for everyone. This post will guide you through maximizing your experience and discovering valuable resources to take your gym to the next ... Read more

Setting For Climbers Stronger Than You

Can you call yourself an advanced route setter? There is no shame in the game if you cant. But even if you do consider yourself to be in the upper echelon of route setting skills, you still might run into that veteran climber which crushes every route your put up on the next wall reset.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of setting with one small group of climbers in mind, especially if you are well integrated with your community. The mos... Read more