Must-Sees at the CWA Tradeshow

Must-Sees at the CWA Tradeshow

The Climbing Wall Association (CWA) Tradeshow is your annual opportunity to roam the nooks and crannies of the indoor climbing industry to find the next innovation that can level up your climbing gym. Whether you're the visionary owner, a dedicated manager, or a creative route setter, CWA offers something for everyone. This post will guide you through maximizing your experience and discovering valuable resources to take your gym to the next level.

For the Owner/Operator:

  • Gear Up for Growth: Explore the latest climbing holds, wall construction materials, and training tools to future-proof your gym.
  • Employee Management & Training: Discover workshops and seminars on staff development, retention strategies, and creating a positive climbing community.
  • Networking Nirvana: Connect with industry leaders, share best practices, and forge partnerships for mutual growth.

For the Manager:

  • Retention Revolution: Attend sessions on member engagement strategies, loyalty programs, and hosting events that keep climbers coming back.
  • Streamline Operations: Find innovative software for scheduling, billing, and route management to boost efficiency.
  • Safety First: Gain insights on risk management, safety protocols, and insurance best practices for your gym.

For the Route Setter:

  • Hold Heaven: Immerse yourself in the newest climbing hold designs, explore training tools, and learn cutting-edge setting techniques.
  • The Art of the Route: Attend workshops led by renowned route setters, gather inspiration, and master new setting styles.
  • Community Catalyst: Network with other setters, exchange ideas, and collaborate on unique climbing experiences for your gym.

Beyond the Booths:

  • Don't miss: keynote presentations, industry award ceremonies, and demonstrations showcasing the latest trends in climbing.
  • Take advantage of: networking events, meet-and-greets, and social gatherings to build lasting connections.
  • Create a plan: Before the show, define your goals and make a list of must-see booths, seminars, and networking opportunities.


The CWA Tradeshow is a treasure trove of knowledge and resources. By attending with a focused approach and a collaborative spirit, you can turn your visit into a game-changer for your climbing gym. So, lace up your climbing shoes, and get ready to conquer the CWA!

Looking to streamline your route setting process and empower your entire team? Make sure to visit the AMPclimb route setting software booth. AMPclimb can help everyone from owners to staff members improve their day-to-day operations. Their software offers features for task allocation, route setter performance tracking, and a whole lot more. Stop by their booth and see how AMPclimb can help your climbing gym reach new heights!

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